UN just published a report which highlights detrimental effects of Climate change will have on the environment – much worse than previously expected. Climate change is real. Plastic pollution is real. Change NEEDS to happen and it is not enough to say we cannot impact change as individuals. If everyone started to change their consumer habits, we can in fact impact real change and thus secure a much better future for our children and their children.
This topic is very close to our hearts and we will continue to spread awareness of how you can change your habits as individual consumers. Our business is based on the principles of a Circular Economy as we believe the cycle of PRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS and all the chemical emissions into the environment as well as the waste of discarding old products for new needs to be disturbed and ultimately changed in order to prevent further environmental catastrophes.
So how can you change? How can you as a “normal” individual become of service to this cause? It is easy! just follow these steps and encourage others to do the same:
- THINK before you Purchase New items: do you have anything that can be mended / altered / repaired in stead of buying a new item?
- Go through your wardrobe. Separate the items you wear and love and consider if the items you no longer wear can be altered / up cycled to become desirable again? (we offer this kind of service to you)
- Consider our DESIRE to buy new things. WHY do you want them and how would the item change your current situation? is the perception of owning the item in true correspondence to reality? (ie will it actually make you happy / will it actual be useful)
- EDUCATE yourself on real environmental change,. If you start to read about it, you will surely want to do something to change your habits. It is pretty grim and eye opening reading, but a very important one.
- RECYCLE your household WASTE. This is so important, a small, yet effective change
- Look at tour cleaning products: can you use re-fillable containers and are there more suitable eco friendly products available on the market?
- Can you afford to change your plastic toothbrush to Bamboo?
- Buy from small local businesses: do you want to benefit large corporations and businesses with largely unethical environmental and employment policies or would you like your money to go to a small family run business? there are plen ty of ethical and locally run businesses that offer similar products to that of your high street shops.
- eat less meat and dairy (or go fully vegan if you can
These are just a few options available to you as a consumer. There are many more which we will inform you over ht enext few weeks.
Thank you for reading.
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