Dream-catchers are much loved globally. In fact, we know people who have mild obsessions with them, collectors, advocates and admirers alike; but do we really know what they actually symbolise and mean? have we bothered to finding out their history? Let us help you…
Like many of us do know, they sprung from the Native American culture and in the Ojibwe native tongue they are called asabikeshiinh, which means “Spider”. they were originally always made by woven willow in a hoops with yarn woven in the middle to resemble a spiders web. They were often decorated with sacred items such as beads and feathers and hung above babies cribs / sleeping quarters for protection. The word DREAM CATCHER didn’t hit the mainstream until the 1960’s when the pan-native tribes adopted the custom as a means to sell traditional craft items and make a living- hence they were bought by western Americans and popularized as a home decor item. In actuality, Dream Catchers were actually coined as a term for the consumers who bought in to the very romanticized spirituality of the Navite Americans and not for the “spider web Hoops” themselves.
We find this strangely symbolic of modern day and the Spirituality Quest we see so many people embark on. This is not a negative – an en masse collective of individuals in search to catch spiritual dreams is exactly what this world needs right now; and so we hope that all of us Dream Catchers who in fact love Dream Catchers will spread our positive vibes and thus create more awareness of their origin. We must give thanks to The Native Americans for sharing their fantastic culture and kindly accepting our adoption of their custom!
Now; please go catch your Dreams!
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