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Category - Uncategorised


Culture, Education, Information, Inspiration

We welcome ourselves back to our e-commerce platform with the re-launch of our website – long overdue; the wait is over. We take pride in this electronic place and will work hard over the next few weeks to…

Find An Ethical Way to Express Yourself.

Education, Information, To Do

UN just published a report which highlights detrimental effects of Climate change will have on the environment – much worse than previously expected. Climate change is real. Plastic pollution is real. Change NEEDS to happen and it is…

Goddesses: a background story in to one of our design motifs and Femininity

Culture, Education, Information, Inspiration

One of our most popular designs are the Goddess and Queen Ranges. Id like to provide some background info on our reasoning for these motifs and our own thoughts and processes behind them. Once when on an island…

Knock us Off, We’ll Knock you Out!


This blog post is addressing an ever current issue in the Fashion as well as jewellery and holistics / wellbeing; big companies to small independents alike: KNOCK and RIP OFF’s. It is a well known fact that the…

Festival Season Kick Off

Culture, Inspiration, Outfit of the day, Streetstyle, Uncategorised

With Coachella (BeyChella as it now has been re-named) officially kicking off the Festival Season We enter our favorite time of year. Not only for the fashion but for the fun times, Freedom and fantastic times that we…

Lets Reclaim our Power!

Culture, Education, Information, Inspiration

The Phrase “Power to the People” is one of the most famous phrases worldwide; and thus it has a long and a somewhat unknown history to it, it became a phenomenon when rightfully used by the Black Panther…

Dream a Little Dream for Me.

Culture, Education, Information, Inspiration

Dream-catchers are much loved globally. In fact, we know people who have mild obsessions with them, collectors, advocates and admirers alike; but do we really know what they actually symbolise and mean? have we bothered to finding out…

Do you Believe in Angels?

Education, Information, Inspiration

Lets talk about Angels. This Mythological, super natural being which comes in both (or shall we say several?) gender forms have been around since the dawn of the Abrahamic Religion as we know it. Divine persons with the…

Lets not Make Resolutions. Lets BE the Change!

Culture, Education, Information, Inspiration, To Do

It’s a New year! And as ever, all around us is filled with New promises, beginnings, starts and of course: the infamous Resolutions. And I say Infamous because we all know it is an unwritten rule that you…

Why we should all embrace our inner Hippie!

Culture, Education, Information, Inspiration, Uncategorised

“You are such Hippies” are words we hear alot. As soon as people hear about our business, our ethos and love for a re and up-cylcling as well as a circular economy paired with a distaste for wasted…